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I want to classify the reviews in the online-shops. For the beginning, I just copied the reviews in an Excel sheet, so that every review is in a seperate row. I want to have three labels (fast delivery, Package is fine, Will use again). The problem that I face is, that customers are writing reviews in several sentences, so I can't figure out wich operators could be helpful in this case.
Hopefully I could clarify the problem.
Thanks in advance!
I want to classify the reviews in the online-shops. For the beginning, I just copied the reviews in an Excel sheet, so that every review is in a seperate row. I want to have three labels (fast delivery, Package is fine, Will use again). The problem that I face is, that customers are writing reviews in several sentences, so I can't figure out wich operators could be helpful in this case.
Hopefully I could clarify the problem.

Thanks in advance!
you will have to use the Text and the Web Mining Extension. Please find some introductory tutorials on our tutorials page:
Actually I watched many videos on this topic and I've used TextMining extension. I just would like to know how can I use these really cool operators for my problem. Now I'm doing the examples with excek sheet, where I've put the customer's reviews (50 reviews) with the corresponding labels and considered it as a training set. Then I created the other sheet with the test data (around 10 reviews) but without labels. And then I used the Default Model operator, Apply Model. So, the problem is that, customers are writing reviews in different orms and lengths and using different symbols.
Any Idea?
The solution for your problem is transforming your data into a word vector, e.g. with the "Process Documents"-operator. This means that you create a new attribute for every term in every text you have.
For every example (in your case a review) you can use their binary occurrence (is this term contained in the review?) to set its value for a given attribute. A more sophisticated way would be to use "term frequency" or the more common used "TFIDF" method to determine the attribute values. With this method you don't have to care about several sentences in different lengths.
After this transformation you can apply a learner to learn from your labels. A good choice in text mining is the SVM.
I hope this helps!
Thanks for the help!
I tried tu use the "ProcessDocuments", but the result is not that was expected. So, I would like to describe the sequence of operators that I used.
ReadExcel ---> NominalToText--->DataToDocumetns--->ProcessDocuments(inside I used Tokenize--->FilterStopWords(Dictionary)).
Sorry, for so many questions!
"Everything was super. The Delivery is very fast"
So, after the beforementioned operators I used, in result I have a table in wich every word of this review is in a separate column and there are also binary occurences. It's fine I think. Now, in the next step shall I use the SVM? I'm not sure about that, because my classification has to have 3 labels.
In this example it would be "Fast delivery".
Sorry, I'm just a beginner in RapidMiner.
After you have learned the model from your training-data you can transform your test-data in the same way in this word vectors and apply the model on them to predict the label.
Two more points:
I used LibSVM, but it wants as an input exapmple st which has special attribute 'label'. In my training set I have this column, but the problem is that when I use SetRole and SelectAttributes operators, in the dropdown list 'name' of the SetRole there is nothing. And if I write there just label and run the process, it take an infinite time.
The name parameter is the name of the attribute which role has to be changed. You have to enter the label name and not the role (which is the parameter "target role", where you have to select "label"). If you connect your ExampleSet to the input port of the "Set Role" operator the meta data mechanism should provide you the available attribute names, but sometimes this does not work for several reasons.
In your case i think there is no infinite loop, but the learner is still computing. You can check which operator is currently running in the status bar on the bottom of RapidMiner or by the symbol in the operator. If you see a green play-button this operator is currently crunching numbers.
"Cannnot check whether input example set has special attribute ''label".
Any idea how can I fix this problem? Maybe my training data is in excel sheet, that's why I can't see the names in the dropdown list.
The attribute 'Label' does not exist.
The example set does not contain an attribute with the given name.
Maybe I have to use .*csv file?
Any idea?
Thanks for the help, now the setRole operator works. I just want to know how my test data has to look like. I mean in case of training data I have the column of labels, but now when I wanr to classify test data, what should I write in the field 'Name' of the setRole.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure how to go further. Actually, the confusing thing is that there are some reviews having some parts that can be classified in all three classes.
For example one of the reviews:
Everything is ok. Very fast delivery, Will use again!
So, this can be classified with all three classes (Everything is ok, fast delivery, will use again). And the most of the reviews have this kind of structure. I was thinking to use the Cut Document operator, but actually I couldn't figure out how can I use it for this porpuses. Finally, when I just run my model, the predictions are all the same (e.g., all are Fast Delivery).The model looks which label is used frequently and predicts the result. So, which operator would help me to make model look into the review and classify correctly.
Maybe, it's very simple, but I'm not familiar with this tools, that's why I'm confused in using the corresponding operators.
What you want to do is to predict three different binary labels. I would suggest that you begin with a simple approach and take one label (e.g. 'Very fast delivery') where you want to know if this is true or not. So your multi class problem is now a traditional two class problem. If this works you can repeat this for the other two. In the end you will have three different models, which you will have to apply and which yield three predicted labels. These indicate if everything is ok, it was a fast delivery or if you will use this product again.
Thanks a lot for Your tollerance!
I will try it and give feedback!
I've tried with two labels, but the classification results are not satisfactory. As I mentioned in previos posts, my training data consists of 50 example reviews, test data consists of 10 reviews. So, in training data I've put the label 'Fast delivery' and the other 'xxx', just to see which reviews belong to class 'Fast delivery'. The problem is in the following: in training data reviews that have been labeled as 'Fast delivery' in quantity are more than those that are labeled as 'xxx'. So, the model takes into account only this criterion and in result whole test data is classified as 'Fast delivery' and with a lot of wrong lassifications.
You can take a look at the xml.