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[SOLVED]The prediction score are different between the Rapidminer and Libsvm

I ran the SVM classification using both Rapidminer and Libsvm against the same data set. In the rapidminer, I also used the libsvm implementation. The document processing scheme and svm parameter setting are exactly the same for both experiment. However, the generated score are different. Are there any possible reasons to cause this kind of different?
Maybe it's also a version issue: I am not absolutely sure, but by a first quick glance it seems that the version of libSVM integrated into RapidMiner is based on v2.84.
Finally, what are the actual scores that you retrieved?
your processes look fine. Actually I don't know why exactly the confidences are different. Which version of libSVM are you using?
Did you use exactly the same training and test data with the same preprocessing for training and applying the SVM from the library?
Best, Marius
Besides using libsvm module in Rapidminer, I used libsvm(version 3.12) as the comparison. Both experiments used the same training and test data set. The data pre-processing steps are also the same for both experiments.