The Altair Community is migrating to a new platform to provide a better experience for you. In preparation for the migration, the Altair Community is on read-only mode from October 28 - November 6, 2024. Technical support via cases will continue to work as is. For any urgent requests from Students/Faculty members, please submit the form linked here
we have have fixed an issue like this some months ago, may I know which version of RapidMiner and which operators you are using?
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply. I am using v 5.2.008.
Read Database
Nominal to Text
Set Role
Process Documents
Tokenize, Transform Case, Filter Stopwords, Stem
Store Wordlist
Naive Bayes, Apply Model, Performance
Store Model
Free Memory
The error comes and goes, I see it often after running my process a few times. I also have to say that I am not 100% sure it is RapidMiner fault,maybe some other script is running multiple connections and by chance at the same time RM tries to connect and there are no more connections available.
I will keep investigating.
Best regards,
I will mark this as solved until I get more information about the issue and if the multiple open connections issue is caused by RapidMiner I reopen it so we can investigate further.