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[SOLVED] ReadCSV escape characters disappear even when quotes disabled

If the ReadCSV operator's "use quotes" parameter is off, the "escape character for quotes" parameter is hidden. This suggests that the "escape character for quotes" is only relevant when "use quotes" is on.
However, even with "use quotes" off, my ReadCSV operator seems to be removing '\' characters from the read content, unless I set "escape character for quotes" to some other character.
However, even with "use quotes" off, my ReadCSV operator seems to be removing '\' characters from the read content, unless I set "escape character for quotes" to some other character.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>[quote=a.txt]1
<process version="5.3.005">
<operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="5.3.005" expanded="true" name="Process">
<process expanded="true">
<operator activated="true" class="read_csv" compatibility="5.3.005" expanded="true" height="60" name="Read CSV" width="90" x="112" y="75">
<parameter key="csv_file" value="C:\Users\isak\Desktop\a.txt"/>
<parameter key="use_quotes" value="false"/>
<parameter key="parse_numbers" value="false"/>
<list key="annotations"/>
<list key="data_set_meta_data_information">
<parameter key="0" value="content.true.nominal.attribute"/>
<connect from_op="Read CSV" from_port="output" to_port="result 1"/>
<portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/>
Best regards,