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Access to RapidMiner Community Edition / 5.3
I'm experiencing a similar problem as csoares that he asked about in:,9179.0.html
I am encountering the same problem, though for my purpose it may be that 6.5 can be made to work - I'm just not seeing it yet.
The class I teach includes a few hours introduction to text analytics, and I make use of the text extensions for that. From what I can see of 6.5 Studio, only the Basic version is free and the Basic version apparently does not include access to the extensions marketplace. Am I misunderstanding this limitation?
I believe that individuals can get a 14 day free trial for the full version of 6.5 Studio, but I believe that will be too small of a window to be functionally useful for the class. It will also not encourage people to continue with the skill and tool after the class.
The end result that I am attempting to accomplish is to continue using the RapidMiner GUI as a teaching tool to introduce people that work with data scientists to data mining terminology and mental models of supervised learning, but will mostly not be analysts themselves. I've found the Rapid Miner GUI to be outstanding for this purpose.
I'd be happy to use any version of the software that will work - I'm accustomed to using the v5 Community Edition as it provides me with the overall collection of attributes I'm looking for - readily and freely available, access to extensions. And has a look and feel that is close to or identical to the Rapid Miner used by Dr. Matthew North in Data Mining for the Masses.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The end result that,9179.0.html
I am encountering the same problem, though for my purpose it may be that 6.5 can be made to work - I'm just not seeing it yet.
The class I teach includes a few hours introduction to text analytics, and I make use of the text extensions for that. From what I can see of 6.5 Studio, only the Basic version is free and the Basic version apparently does not include access to the extensions marketplace. Am I misunderstanding this limitation?
I believe that individuals can get a 14 day free trial for the full version of 6.5 Studio, but I believe that will be too small of a window to be functionally useful for the class. It will also not encourage people to continue with the skill and tool after the class.
The end result that I am attempting to accomplish is to continue using the RapidMiner GUI as a teaching tool to introduce people that work with data scientists to data mining terminology and mental models of supervised learning, but will mostly not be analysts themselves. I've found the Rapid Miner GUI to be outstanding for this purpose.
I'd be happy to use any version of the software that will work - I'm accustomed to using the v5 Community Edition as it provides me with the overall collection of attributes I'm looking for - readily and freely available, access to extensions. And has a look and feel that is close to or identical to the Rapid Miner used by Dr. Matthew North in Data Mining for the Masses.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The end result that
i will definitly ask around what happend to version 5.
For your questions The market place is available in the community edition. This requires registrations. Sounds fair for me. If you are taking part in the academics program, than you get RM 6.5 and RM Server for free. Of course you need to fullfill the conditions for academics.
I hope this helps.
Dortmund, Germany
If you register your copy of RapidMiner 6.5 it becomes the 'community edition' this is free and grants access to the marketplace (so you can complete your class), it also allows you to connect to Open Source databases (MySQL etc).
What you also get is a 14 day trial of the Professional edition of RapidMiner which has several bells & whistles, such as connecting to Closed Source databases (Oracle, etc).
As Martin mentioned there is also the RapidMiner Academia program to get licenses to the Professional edition for teaching, but you need to fufill the terms & conditions from RM. If you don't qualify, (or just don't want to go through the forms), using the community edition is perfectly fine for your needs as long as you use Open Source databases or text documents.
Hope that makes things a bit easier.
Martin, I agree that registration seems like a reasonable exchange for access to the software.
I'm not participating in the academics program - the class I teach is taught internally at my company, not at a university. I hadn't thought of looking into the academic program and just assume that I don't fit the criteria for that.
JEdward - you are correct. The information I saw on the website and in the prompt seemed pretty clear to me that I needed to register and limit myself to 14 days of access to the marketplace and extensions in order to get any access to the text extensions. That's a step I can't take personally as I would then be 2 weeks away from losing full access (I've been teaching the class for 2 years and hope to be doing so for at least 2 more). Your comment that the registration transforms the install into the community edition and access to the marketplace sounds like I can get the end result I'm looking for using 6.5 Studio.
I'm at least going to dive in and give that a whirl, and validate that's how it works out for me
The text I use, Data Mining for the Masses, works with text file sized data sets. There's no database access needed, so the restriction on data sources and size of data sets fits fine with the community edition.
Another suggestion is that Rapid-I may want to look at the early chapter of Data Mining for the Masses (you have the PDF available for download on your site), and ensure that readers of the book will be able to follow the directions in the book to get Rapid Miner, and experience success. I don't know of another book written for any data mining tool that is as good at helping introduce people with no background in data mining to the topic (which is why I use it to introduce people to the topic).
Thank you both for your help.