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Analysis of Zalando Customer Reviews
Hey everyone
At my university we are using rapidminer in a big data class for text mining. For a project I wanted to analyse some bad and some good rated articles on the ecommerce site Zalando. The goal was to proove that bad rated articles have a significant higher amount of words like "does not fit", "darker than in the picture" etc.
For this purpose i crawled the webpages of 20 women shoes and downloaded their reviews. Now i made a data analysis and had a look at the occurence of the words in the review (see xml code).
What i can't manage to do right now is the cross reference those occurences with smaller sentences fragments like "too big" etc. Has anyone a clue how to do that or could point me into the right direction?
I am a total Newbie ;D , but i am planning on using rapidminer more and more in the future, because it really is a great too.
Thanks in advance.
At my university we are using rapidminer in a big data class for text mining. For a project I wanted to analyse some bad and some good rated articles on the ecommerce site Zalando. The goal was to proove that bad rated articles have a significant higher amount of words like "does not fit", "darker than in the picture" etc.
For this purpose i crawled the webpages of 20 women shoes and downloaded their reviews. Now i made a data analysis and had a look at the occurence of the words in the review (see xml code).
What i can't manage to do right now is the cross reference those occurences with smaller sentences fragments like "too big" etc. Has anyone a clue how to do that or could point me into the right direction?
I am a total Newbie ;D , but i am planning on using rapidminer more and more in the future, because it really is a great too.
Thanks in advance.
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[ /code]