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"Need help to mine fuzzy multiple level association rules"
Hi, I am still new to RM ;D, currently I am using RM version 5.3.005.
I am working my thesis now, and trying to use an algorithm called: implementing fuzzy multiple level association rules based on Kousari, et all (2012) JSEA, 2012, 5, 190-199. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.53025 Published on March 2012 ([glow=red,2,300][/glow]). What I am trying to do is using a different data type, it is not a transactional database, but it is an employee database. I have looked for the topics I am working in this forum, but I can't find any, could some one help me how can I do the algorithm??? ??? ??? ??? ??? I did try for the first 5-6 step in the algorithm in another software (which is Matlab for the fuzzy sets calculations, and excel to gain a candidate 1-itemsets) but for the next step, for gaining candidate 2-itemsets, 3-itemsets and so on, it's a big problem for me? maybe Marius or the other admins or perhaps any of forum members who already use the algorithm can help me?

I appreciate for the information and the help...looking forward for this thread reply, thank you
I am working my thesis now, and trying to use an algorithm called: implementing fuzzy multiple level association rules based on Kousari, et all (2012) JSEA, 2012, 5, 190-199. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.53025 Published on March 2012 ([glow=red,2,300][/glow]). What I am trying to do is using a different data type, it is not a transactional database, but it is an employee database. I have looked for the topics I am working in this forum, but I can't find any, could some one help me how can I do the algorithm??? ??? ??? ??? ??? I did try for the first 5-6 step in the algorithm in another software (which is Matlab for the fuzzy sets calculations, and excel to gain a candidate 1-itemsets) but for the next step, for gaining candidate 2-itemsets, 3-itemsets and so on, it's a big problem for me? maybe Marius or the other admins or perhaps any of forum members who already use the algorithm can help me?
