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MusicExampleSource - maximum length of audio
I want to cluster large audio data (>2h) using RapidMiner GUI.
I use MusicExampleSource (from ValueSeries Plugin) for reading the audio, but obviously it can handle only very short audio samples.
When trying to load a ca. 2 min. WAV sample (44100Hz, 16-Bit, Mono --> should be approx. 5 MB in memory) I get an OutOfMemoryError (Java heap space).
What goes wrong? Why is MusicExampleSource allocating tons of memory?
How can I read in larger audio samples?
In general, it is hard to work on larger audio samples (we ourself often work with a few seconds only) but on a larger system you should be able to process a complete song - at least for a simple feature extraction tree.
But ca. 20 MB (for 1 min., double) plus overhead aren't enough, too.
RapidMiner consumes about 1.5 GB reading only a 1 min. sample. I've tested with the MusicExampleSource node alone.
1.5 GB is far beyond what should be allocated.
Is there a way to do windowing without reading in the complete sample (using RapidMiner GUI)? Otherwise I would have to write my own loader in Java.