Moving the .Rapidminer folder
The .Rapidminer folder is by default located in my user directory. Since I have limited space within that directory, I would like to move it to another drive. Can you tell me, how I can move this folder? Do I have to edit some kind of *.ini?
Thank you and best regards
Best Answer
marcin_blachnik Member Posts: 61 Guru
There is one more option,
By default RM creates the .RapidMiner folder in the user folder, which is obtained from the operating system variable.
You can change it by adding a java switch which tells JVM where the user folder is and manually redirect .RapidMiner to different location
To be more precise add the option
to your script file which starts RapidMiner
If you use windows open the RapidMiner Studio.bat and locate the lines
echo Launching RapidMiner Studio GUI now...
"%JAVA%" %JVM_OPTIONS% [-Duser.home="...."] -cp .........
goto startEnd------------------------------------
in the backets I've shown where to put the new options
If the folder name contains space character remeber to use " ".
Hi Frank,
i would recommend to move the repository to another place by simply using a different one. That should be most of the space needed.
Next idea would be to use a link for $USER/.RapidMiner to move it away.
Only then i would think about really changing it in RapidMiner. You would need to change the .sh/.bat file for this.
Dortmund, Germany
@marcin_blachnik, @mschmitz I am trying to follow Marcin's advice, however, I am using Ubuntu 16.04. I am finding that RapidMiner ignores the -Duser.home setting and still is looking for .RapidMiner folder in the home directory.
In the shell, I have defined a new variable JACOBS_ROOT pointing to a hidden folder, which includes a copy of .RapidMiner created by the run of RM9 (after its full clean update from version 8.2):
I have modified update_root, just in case.
And then changed the launching sequence to refer to -Duser.home:
And yet, when RM starts it is still looking at the ~/.RapidMiner rather than ${JACOBS_ROOT}/.RapidMiner.
This is what the RM initialization looks like:
Here are the details of Java installed on my Ubuntu:
Interestingly, I have found an Oracle JRE time stamp in the ${JACOBS_ROOT} folder, so it seem Java goes there, but RapidMiner decides this is not the place.
Any ideas? As my university labs use RM 8.2, I'd like to be able to run both versions 8.2 and 9 on my Ubuntu 16.04.