Service Created and Tested but Server not found
Annoying isn't it?
Followed all the steps, created your service and the URL server gives you somehow does not work. There is a reason and a solution.
1. Service created and tested. We are given a URL for it.
2. Clicking on the URL: fails
The reason for this is that it reflects the machine name, not the actual web service. If the server is on your machine, it is ok but with remote servers, you need to make a change.
3. Copy the URL that you used to access the Server Admin Interface:
4. Paste it in a new tab and keep only part of it:
5. Then copy the end part of the URL that failed earlier:
6. And put them together like so:
Your service should now work as intended, have a nice day :-)
You also need to make sure that the port is correct. The displayed link per default points to 8080 which does not necessarily reflect the port you installed RapidMiner Server on.