The Altair Community is migrating to a new platform to provide a better experience for you. In preparation for the migration, the Altair Community is on read-only mode from October 28 - November 6, 2024. Technical support via cases will continue to work as is. For any urgent requests from Students/Faculty members, please submit the form linked here
New? Please read the Community Guidelines
RapidMiner Community User Guidelines
*Updated May 26th ,2016 *
RapidMiner welcomes you and your views to its Community. We want to make this a positive, safe and vibrant place to discuss RapidMiner, our products and disciplines of Data Science and Analytics. So here are some Basic facts, some Dos and some Don’ts.
The Basics
- To post a new topic, or comment on an existing one you need to be logged in. Otherwise you can only read. To get a login hit the Register button.
- The Community is made up of Forums, Blogs, Ideas areas and Knowledge Base (KB) articles.
- Anyone can post or comment on a topic in a Forum or Ideas area. You need special rights to post a Blog or a KB. If you want to get these rights contact with an outline of your ideas
- If you like a topic or comment, blog or KB give it a “Like” – that’s the Thumbs Up Button. Likes help members gain a Rank in the Community
- You can also get a rank in the Community through submitting questions and answers
- This Community is moderated.
- A full list of our Terms & Conditions is posted here:
The Do’s
- Ask questions. The Community is here to help
- Answer questions. Your expertise and knowledge is what brings people back.
- Vote on Ideas.
- Give praise where praise is due. Hit that Like button
- Tell others when a reply is an “Accepted Solution”. The next person to search will see the Accepted Solution first.
- Help to Moderate the Community Yourself: We have moderators, but your proactive reporting of content will help keep us a Spam and Troll-Free Zone.
- Be yourself and only yourself. Be open about who you are, your affiliations and tastes. Keep one account only.
- Report abuse if you come across it.
- Share on social media. See something you like in our Community, feel free to tell others.
The Don'ts
- There are plenty of other places to do that.
- Troll or slam. We will only delete your post. Persistent offenders will be barred.
- Pose as a member of RapidMiner staff, or, indeed, anyone that you are not.
- Soliciting members
- Disclose any information that belongs to someone else, or may compromise their privacy.
And If That Doesn’t Work…
If you have complaints, questions, concerns, or just feedback - positive or critical - please get in touch with us on the Community Matters board or via email to