Item Attribute k-NN operator - Documentation/Implementation
Hi All,
I have been unable to find any documentation as to how to use the Recommendation Extention operator, "Item Attribute k-NN".
Could some please send me to some documentation so that I can use it to develop my recommendation system and also check that it is implementing the methodology that I think it is.
Thanks in advance
Best Answer
lionelderkrikor RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 1,195
HI @edinsda2,
I recommend you the book RapidMiner : Data Mining Use Cases and Business Analytics Applications which you can downlad
at the following adress :
The chapter 9 is dedicated to the recommendation system with process/implementation of the Item Attribute k-NN operator.
The data and process presented in this book can be downloaded on the web site :
I think it will be very helpful for your project.
thanks @lionelderkrikor. Just a caveat that the RapidMiner processes shown on that website are usually from an old version which may or may not with in RM8. I see many questions here in the community about how "it does not work" when the issue is version.
Hi everyone,
Sorry ,but I just feel obligated to tell you that :
In deed, how said @sgenzer, most of the processes associated to this book aren't compatible with the actual version of RapidMiner :
The processes of this book raise an error in the actual version of RapidMiner (that's what I found).
But you can from an empty process (re)create the processes of this book (by copying and pasting the operators) in the actual
version of RapidMiner and then execute and study the processes. That's the method I use to learn RapidMiner.
I just want to conclude with this words :
"it does not work" is not an excuse : by performing the actions above, you can (re)create and execute the processes
in the actual version of RapidMiner and learn about it. It's just a question of motivation.
In the real life, nothing is easy :
If actually, I'm Maven and I can solve some problems in the community, it's in part thanks to this book and its processes.
However, if despite, you are lost, there are people of values in the community who can advise you .
I hope these words will be helpful.
Best regards,