Sentiment Anaylsis of Twitter Data
Hello there,
I would like to conduct a sentiment analysis of Twitter data. I already looked in the forums for a solution to my problem, but all entries I found were very incomprehensible to me. (I really am a desperate beginner with a hardly any talent for anything to do with technology)
My problem is probably quite simple: I have 10000 tweets stored in a CSV file. Now, as already mentioned, I would like to carry out a sentiment analysis. My teacher gave me a process for that. However, in this process the tweets must be read in as separate text files.
Now my question: How do I filter the tweets from the CSV file so that each tweet (and only the text, not the other information like username, ID and so on) is stored in a separate txt file?
As I said, my understanding of RapidMiner is unfortunately very limited, so I would be very grateful if someone could explain it to me as simply as possible.
Thank you very much and have a nice day
Hi @marlene_boettch,
Difficult to help you without your .csv file and your process...
Can you share them in order we better understand your problem ?
Data to Document, Loop Collection, Write CSV is a way to do this. But i think you can just use Read CSV+data to Document and you got it in the format you need for your analysis.
Dortmund, Germany
There are also a number of recent threads that have almost exactly the same type of problem. See the ongoing discussions here, for example, both of which have several example processes:
Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
Hello to all who have answered until now!
From what has been written here so far, I have managed to bring my tweets from the CSV document into an IO Object Collection. This is now in the form of an .md file. Unfortunately I cannot use the tweets in this way because I need them as individual text files to be able to read them into the process and use them further. This is the process:
The Sentiment Analysis ProcessI want to get the 'text' column into seperated txt files
I'm sorry if I'm being dumb, but my poor understanding of the subject matter and my mediocre English skills just make me a little desperate.
Thanks for your help so far!
Kind regards
Hi @marlene_boettch,
i think you only need one Process Documents per CSV file you have. Chaining two is a bit odd.
Attached are two processes, one is separating the texts. I do not think you need this. The second is showing you what i think you need to do.
Seperating files:
How to tokenize the csv directly:
Dortmund, Germany
Hello @marlene_boettch - have you tried looking at some of our community processes from within RapidMiner Studio? There are now two that do things very similar to what you are looking for: