Predict the genre of a song
Hey guys,
for school he have to do the following task. Our teacher won't help us and we are a bit stuck. we already did like a sentiment analyse for the 4 genres that their are. for the topic prediction we only did it for 1 genre. this topic analyze we did was manual. we are now planning on doing the topic by clustering cause of the increased data set, from 50 to 250. the task is:
Predict the genre of a song
a) based on a combination of the song‘s sentiment and the song‘s main topic
b) based on a combination of the song’s lyrics, the song‘s sentiment and the song‘s main topic
btw we are only allowed to use the song text so no meta data
How would you guys do this.
Kind regards,
Best Answer
sgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee-RapidMiner, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959
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hi @mv070 - have you tried using the LDA operator in the Operator Toolbox extension? It is an unsupervised method for doing topic creation in unstructured text data. It works phenomenally well.