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Graphics don't display on Linux

Hi !
Just starting with RapidMiner. Can't get any graphic displayed as shown in the tutorial. Blank space in the middle area, when the tutorial is showing nice bar charts...
I have tried several (3) recent flavors of Ubuntu on different machines. Same result.
Note that everytime, I had to remove Java 11 to Java 8 to get things starting...
Any suggestion ???
One common issue maybe that your linux does not have fxbrowser installed. Can you check this please?
Dortmund, Germany
Are you using a KDE desktop?
What is the error you get in the shell when you start Studio? There should be something about "Async: Hardware accelerated browser setup test" in there. Most likely followed by an error.
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_232-8u232-b09-0ubuntu1.1-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.232-b09, mixed mode)
Ubuntu 18+ has a problem with the current version and the Chromium browser, we are aware of that. Though so far it was related to KDE desktop, but others may be affected as well. That particular issue should be fixed by the upcoming RapidMiner 9.6 release (early Feb).
But just to confirm it is actually said problem, would you mind uploading the entire rapidminer-studio.log from your HOME/.RapidMiner folder?
for me the Amazon Corretto JVM 8 (Amazon distribution of OpenJDK) works best.
I don't have any problems with charts or graphics on my Kubuntu machine.