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keras not installed

Hi everyone,
when i clicked on the test under the preference setting, an error occurred showing that keras is not being installed (fig1). But, i have checked that my keras is currently installed (fig2). Is it due to compatibility of python? Any assistance would be great appreciated. Thanks.

when i clicked on the test under the preference setting, an error occurred showing that keras is not being installed (fig1). But, i have checked that my keras is currently installed (fig2). Is it due to compatibility of python? Any assistance would be great appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer
varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207
Hello @vincent123
I installed Keras 2.2.3 using conda install keras in python 3.5. It is working fine.
Try installing that version.
Note: The keras extension in rapidminer i old and not supported as they are working on deep learning extension based on DL4JRegards,
Varun Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing
Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing