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How to pass only filled macro in aggregation operator

sgnarkhede2016sgnarkhede2016 Member Posts: 152 Contributor II
edited March 2020 in Help
I have total seven macro as per iteration values fillled in macro but I am getting error "Group By attribute not found"

I first iteration only my two macro filled other five are empty I will passed all macro in select attribute.
Because next iteration I will get first three macro values and so on..........
How to handle this situation?

Best Answer


  • sgnarkhede2016sgnarkhede2016 Member Posts: 152 Contributor II
    but we need to handle this through configuration file Like in Future we add any new scenario in the config then again we need to add a new branch in the process that we are trying to avoid.
  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee-RapidMiner, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert Posts: 955 Unicorn

    could you structure it into a subprocess with one macro parameter (containing concatenated values for example) and call that subprocess recursively? It's probably not easy but it might be the generic solution you're searching for.


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