Horse Race Data Modelling
I have 14 files from the past 7 years with horse race results and horses (I'll note the details of that file at the bottom)
How could I apply this to Rapidminer to predict the outcome of future races with a probability % of winning for each horse?
races_* columns description:
rid - Race id;
course - Course of the race, country code in brackets, AW means All Weather, no brackets means UK;
time - Time of the race in hh:mm format, London TZ;
date - Date of the race;
title - Title of the race;
rclass - Race class;
band - Band;
ages - Ages allowed
distance - Distance;
condition - Surface condition;
hurdles - Hurdles, their type and amount;
prizes - Places prizes;
winningTime - Best time shown;
prize - Prizes total (sum of prizes column);
metric - Distance in meters;
countryCode - Country of the race;
ncond - condition type (created from condition feature);
class - class type (created from rclass feature).
horses_* columns description:
rid - Race id;
horseName - Horse name;
age - Horse age;
saddle - Saddle # where horse starts;
decimalPrice - 1/Decimal price;
isFav - Was horse favorite before start? Can be more then one fav in a race;
trainerName - Trainer name;
jockeyName - Jockey name;
position - Finishing position, 40 if horse didn't finish;
positionL - how far a horse has finished from a precidor;
dist - how far a horse has finished from a winner;
weightSt - Horse weight in St;
weightLb - Horse weight in Lb;
overWeight - Overweight code;
outHandicap - Handicap;
headGear - Head gear code;
RPR - RP Rating;
TR - Topspeed;
OR - Official Rating
father - Horse's Father name;
mother - Horse's Mother name;
gfather - Horse's Grandfather name;
runners - Runners total;
margin - Sum of decimalPrices for the race;
weight - Horse weight in kg;
reswin - Horse won or not; resplace - Horse placed or not
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