Discovering Which Attributes affect the label attributes
Hello everyone,
This is my first question in the community, So
basically I am working on a project where I have an excel sheet, it's about a
manufacturing process where I have the staus of the product being manufactured
Fail/Pass/incomplete, so I have the result I just want to know which attribute
at different measurements affect the label attribute (status) the most? I was
thinking about using Decision Trees since I can follow the how each attribute
measurement affect the result in question.
Example : Different attributes as Temperature,
Pressure, Duration, I want to know if these attributes affect the end result (the end result),
and if so at which degree°C or pressure p, will a product
fail(be defective) or pass.
So basically I don't really have to predict anything I just need to find out if there is a causation between the different attributes and measurements. What would be good operators, or good algorithms to use?
Any help is appreciated and thanks