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Attributes do not match, apply model to the classifikation data not possible
Hi together, I have some issues with my project. My task is to generate target variable training data (Retouren_Training.txt),
which determines the class membership according to the case description for the return rate.
In concrete terms, all customers whose forecast return quota(= RETOUREN_MENGE/LIEFER_MENGE) is a maximum of 0.18 (ie a
maximum of 18%) are considered to be low returners. On the other hand, all customers whose predicted return rate is greater
than 0.4 (ie greater than 40%) are considered high returners. All other customers are neutral, ie neither low nor high returners.
Furthermore, a data mining model is to be created, which is to be applied to the 9,900 customers to be classified as an example (Retouren_Klassigung.txt) and a class assignment in neutral, low or high returns.
I created the model, calculated the variable, but the Apply model still doesn't work. Where is the error? Would be very grateful for your support.
Best wishes Lina
I created the model, calculated the variable, but the Apply model still doesn't work. Where is the error? Would be very grateful for your support.
Best wishes Lina
Best Answer
BalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee-RapidMiner, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert Posts: 955
You are doing some preprocessing inside the cross validation, including generation of new attributes (columns).
Then you build models on this altered data.
Models are built upon the attributes that go into them. Unless the model is doing its own attribute selection, it will expect ALL incoming attributes (with the same name and type) upon predicting with Apply Model.
You need to do the same preprocessing on the training data as you will apply later on the testing or prediction data. The easiest way to achieve this is to put the preprocessing into a separate process and then use this process as a subprocess twice in the main process, once for the modeling and then for the model application.