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RapidMiner Manual in German and English Now!

Hi Folks,
the RapidMiner Manual is now available in German. An English translation is in progress and will be available in the near future (about July).
You can download the German version from the rapid-i home page: respectively.
The English manual:
Ciao Sebastian
the RapidMiner Manual is now available in German. An English translation is in progress and will be available in the near future (about July).
You can download the German version from the rapid-i home page: respectively.
The English manual:
Ciao Sebastian
S. 48, Icon "Flag as dirty" existiert nicht?
S. 53, Bezug auf Filter-Icon, das nicht existiert.
S. 49, Das Expert Icon ist ganz _links_
S. 104, Repository-Relativ-Pfad-Beispiel falsch? (zumindest laut Beschreibung würde man landen bei //MeinRepository/ProjectA/Prozesse/RelativerOrder/Datei)
S. 74, "De-signer"
S. 103/104 Zeilenumbrüche beim Seitenwechsel
Ich bin das ganze Handbuch durchgegangen, und das war alles was mir aufgefallen ist. Reife Leistung! Man ist danach mit den grundlegenden Konzepten vertraut.
thanks for the feedback! This is very helpful and encouraging!
Ciao Sebastian
thank you very much for the manual.
Unfortunately, the (direct) link to the sourceforge-website doesn't work.
I modfified the posting. Now the links are valid again.
Ciao Sebastian
The RM 4.5 manual (user guide, operator reference, developer tutorial) was much more complete. Is there an updated version of this document for RM 5?
For example, the default macros are not even mentioned in the above RM 5 Manual. I had to dig up my old copy of the 4.5 manual to find this. :P
well, we have completely revised the old tutorial and divided the parts for several reasons. First of all, the operator reference is now directly a part of the program which is much more convenient than having to search in a written document for an operator description. Additionally, all operator descriptions are now available in our Wiki and the community is invited to edit and update the descriptions there in order to help to improve the quality of the reference. The developer tutorials are now available in our shop (sorry, we have to live from something! ;D)
More information about this separation can be found at:,2002.msg10511.html#msg10511
By the way: This is the first time that I hear that somebody actually liked the old tutorial more - until now we got far more positive responses about the new manual. What else are you missing from the manual beside the macro description? The upcoming RapidMiner book will by the way also contain a chapter about macro handling...
I guess it would be nice to have one single document that I can search for parameters and macros that RM handles.
For example "-Infinity" is taken by RM (by me guessing and checking) but I'm not sure if "max.double" or something similar is recognized my RM. Basically I would love to see a comprehensive list of parameters/values/macros that RM can take in all the different parameter fields. ;D
If you can provide that, it would be very helpful for us.