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"Generate Attribute - Deviation"
I would like to include an Operator that calculates the deviation for each example. I thought this is an easy job, but I am struggeling to include the predition(activity) attribute into the right Syntax.Here is what I tried:
I would like to include an Operator that calculates the deviation for each example. I thought this is an easy job, but I am struggeling to include the predition(activity) attribute into the right Syntax.Here is what I tried:
Thanks for your help!
<operator activated="true" class="generate_attributes" compatibility="5.0.8" expanded="true" height="76" name="Generate Deviation" width="90" x="447" y="30">
<list key="function_descriptions">
<parameter key="deviatio" value="%{activity}-%{prediction(activity)}"/>
if 'activity' and 'prediction(activity)' are attributes, you may not write them with macro-syntax. %{macro-name} resolves the value for the macro 'macro-name' and inserts it in this place. If you want to use attributes inside the "Generate Attributes" operator simply use their names (case-sensitive) without special syntax. If you want to use text/string content you have to quote it here.
If you want to do some calculation with different attributes they need to have same types, maybe some conversion is required before this step.
Hope this helps!?
I just tested a similar (constructed) example, it seems the parentheses cause problems when trying the calculation. If you rename the attribute before (prediction_activity for example) this should work!